Chair: Principle Dr. O.P. Rawat.

  1. The Principle welcomed Dr. Rakesh  Gupta chairman Sarvodhya Group of Hospitals, Faridabad as an esteemed member of our college IQAC.
  2. Dr. Rakesh Gupta, an eminent personality of Faridabad and distinguished Alumni of the College was given a warm welcome by the college alumni incharge, Mrs. Ruchira Khullar
  3. Dr. Neer Mani addressed the gathering and gave an overview of the functioning of IQAC during the previous session. She again reiterated the fact that College NAAC Accreditation process was due and in this testing times of Corana Panademic it is only with whole hearted and mutual cooperation of everyone that this is possible.
  4. Dr. Neer also discussed the various issues related to the development of the college and how by bringing  a change in the IQAC composition,  fresh ideas and work culture would be incorporated. Today in this technology driven environment the younger faculty would give an impetus to the college development.
  5. Doctor Rakesh Gupta proposed that the quality of education in the college should be improved where focus should not be only on classroom teaching but also on personality development and other aspects. The graduates of the college should possess the employability skills after leaving the college and for this stress on Add on Courses was given.
  6. There was a proposal of e-library to be established in the college where students would be having access to the various facilities at the click of the button 24X7. Since the college building is in dilapidated condition and the new building is under the process of construction, the idea of e-library was appreciated by everyone as library should not be a hurdle in the teaching learning process of the students.
  7. There was a proposal that students of B.Sc medical students should be given  practical exposure whereby increasing their employability skills. Dr. Rakesh Gupta ji readily accepted and said that he will help the students of the college in whatever way he can.
  8. Dr. Rakesh Gupta also assured the college that he will be always available whenever required by the college fraternity.
  9. The Principal Dr O.P. Rawat  stressed that health plays an important part in overall development of the students and for this proposal to set up VITA BOOTH in the college. This would ensure provision of healthy products for Students and Staff of the college.



Chair: Dr. Preeta Kaushik, Principal 

  1. The recent visit of Director Higher Education Sh. A. Srinivas was the highlight of this meeting. The D.H.E. discussed the construction plans of the proposed college building with representatives of P.W.D. and Chief architect and took a round of the college. He ordered the new building to be made as per norms of the Green Building. The new six-floor building would cater to a student capacity of 15,000 and would be constructed by PWD.
  2. The director appreciated the college functioning and administration. The Principal congratulated the IQAC members for their constant support and involvement towards betterment of the college.
  3. Prospective plan for the session 2019-20 was discussed. It was decided that water management and greening of the campus would be taken up on priority basis.
  4. Other areas of focus would be placements, mentorship and quality enhancement in academics through teacher participation in trainings and seminars.
  5. The new modalities of the Online admissions were discussed. Since there waschange in the application format in terms of choice of subject combination andchoice of institution, the Computer Science faculty would undergo trainings and would further train the support staff.
  6. Help desks would function throughout the period of online admissions, right from June 5 to June 30, 2019 to help students fill the online applications. Roster of duties would be made and informed to the whole Computer Science faculty. More help would be sought if needed.
  7. Further arrangements for online admissions were discussed, to ensure admissions strictly on merit.
  8. Timetable and lesson plans for the new semester were already uploaded on the higher education portal. These would be updated as per requirements.
  9. The incident of sexual harassment in the adjacent girls only college was discussed. Various measures to safeguard the college girls were suggested. An on-the-spot review of various committees in this regard was undertaken. It was found that all records pertaining to the matter were up to date.
  10. Consolidated reports of NSS, YRC, NCC, Women Cell and Cultural Activities were tabled and appreciated. Dr. Rakesh Pathak was congratulated on his multiple achievements which included the best councilor award at the hands of hon’ble Chief Minister of Haryana. Dr. Pathak was also selected to lead the state contingent to participate in the National NSS Camp held at the world heritage site Hampi (Karnatka).


  1. Prospective plan for the session 2019-20 was formulated. Suggestions of staff and student council were incorporated.
  2. Help desks functioned throughout the holidays, right from the first date of filling the online application form. Apprentices and student volunteers were roped in to help with explaining various options and categories.
  3. Admission committees were duly formed and more staff was allocated where needed.
  4.  Important information regarding dates of merit lists, venues and documents required were displayed in prominent places.
  5. A dedicated girls helpline email girlshelpgcfaridabad@gmail.com was created where girls could complain about any incident of sexual harassment or related matters.
  6. Large Flex boards with mobile numbers of Girls Helpline Committee were prominently displayed on the college campus.
  7. An RO Water Station of 200 litre/ hour capacity with a 1000 litre water tank and Water Cooler was donated to the college by alumni through Industrial Chamber of Faridabad. This solved the long-standing problem of drinking water of the college students. Further contributions from thecollege alumni were also put into process.



Chair: Dr. Preeta Kaushik, Principal

  1. Seminar proposals were discussed, and departments were asked to prepare at least one proposal for submission. Various grants were discussed in terms of requirements and allocations.
  2. Syllabi and progress of classes was discussed.
  3. Arrangements for the forthcoming district and inter-district science exhibition were discussed. This time, the college would play host to the inter-district science exhibition.
  4. The Principal apprised the members of progress made about construction of new college building.
  5. Convocation and Annual Prize Distribution had not been held in recent years. The matter was discussed in the meeting, and the problem of not getting degrees in time would be taken up with the    university.
  6. Participation of students union was discussed and it was decided that the office bearers would be involved in registration of new voters. Ms. Kanchan Dagar, President of the union was made brand ambassador for this drive.
  7. Women cell was appreciated for creating topical and socially relevant street plays on drug addiction, voter   responsibility, road safety and cleanliness drive. Its forthcoming inter-college festival Yugantar was discussed as it was going to complete 10 years.
  8. Placement data was tabled. It was decided to intensify efforts towards training and grooming through  frequent extension activities. Employability training for girls was also discussed. 


  1. The National Seminar in Music was organized at a very short notice. The seminar was a huge success as major scholars and exponents of different gharanas participated in the seminar. More than 80 teachers also attended this high-profile seminar.
  2. All syllabi were completed in time. Teachers on deputation took extra classes to complete their syllabi.
  3. The district and inter-district science exhibitions were organized most successfully. Dr. P.D. Sharma, Principal (retd.) was the chief guest in the Inter- District Science Exhibition, where representatives from 6 districts participated.
  4. The college had posted new benchmarks in placements. About 500 students had been offered call letters in various MNCs, regional and local firms.
  5. More than 1500 students had registered for their voter ID. Awareness about vote-making drive and importance of casting vote was spread through banners, awareness rallies, poster and slogan writing competitions and street plays. A short film on ethical voting was also uploaded on the state election commission portal along with reports of all SVEEP related activities.
  6. College achievements in Sports were tabled. Sports in charge Sh. Vimal Prakash was appreciated for guiding and mentoring the students towards increasing the medal tally of the college.
  7. Women cell inter-college festival Yugantar: aspire to change was a resounding success. Inter-college Quiz on Women’s Contribution to Society, Collage making, Poster making and Kite- making competitions were organized. A street play ‘Fairy Tales’ was presented on this occasion.
  8. International Women’s Day was celebrated in the college. Girl volunteers of NCC, NSS and Women Cell posed for a group photograph along with teachers, guests and Principal Dr. Preeta Kaushik. A street play ‘If You Don’t Mind’ was presented on this occasion.
  9. All grants were monitored, and utilization certificates were sent in time.


Chair: Dr. M.K. Gupta 

  1. Minutes of the last IQAC meeting were read out and action taken report was tabled.
  2.  It was reported that all relevant data, including workload had been uploaded on the MIS and HRMS. No discrepancy had been reported. Dr. Kavita Sharma was appreciated for leading her team towards efficient and flawless performance.
  3. Final Timetable and Workload was tabled and shortfall of teachers in various subjects was discussed. The main issue was deputations to nearby colleges where teachers from our college were deputed either for 6 months or for 3 days per week. This was causing disruption in teaching schedule. it was decided that this issue would be raised in forthcoming Principals’ meeting with the higher authorities.
  4. 6 classrooms were equipped with SMART technology. Sh. Ankit Kaushik, Department of Chemistry was made in charge of classes to be held incorporating ICT in everyday teaching.
  5. Additional Chief Secretary Higher Education had mooted a Short Film competition whereby students were invited to make 2-4 minute short films on social issues. The college got a tremendous response to the competition. Selected short films were uploaded on the higher education portal.
  6. It was reported that the college IGNOU study centre was experiencing space shortage. It was decided that a separate building would be provided to the centre keeping in view the large number of students.
  7. The drinking water needs of the students were discussed. It was decided to tap community resources to arrange for RO water supply for the students.
  8. Women cell reported that the government initiative of forming a Durga Shakti Rapid Action force towards safety and security of girls had been implemented in the college. Several demonstrations of self defence and downloading of Durga Shakti App for girls were carried out. A Digital Shakti workshop for awareness regarding cyber security protocols was organized for girls. Self defence training for girls was also underway.
  9. The college performance in youth festival, and other extra-curricular activities was discussed and found satisfactory.
  10. An online quarterly newspaper was proposed which would act as a report card of college activities.
  11. Arrangements for the forthcoming semester exams were discussed. Various mechanisms like an extensive duty roster, curtailment of casual leave except in emergency, or with substitute provided, and provision for large student strength were put in place to ensure smooth conduct of exams.
  12. Salary according to the 7th Pay Commission was discussed, and a committee was formed to make calculations.


  1. Students’ union elections were held after some 20 years, and plans were made keeping in mind the sensitive nature of the election climate. The elections had been organized in a most disciplined manner. There was constant communication and cooperation between the district administration, law and order machinery and the college administration. Committees were formed to supervise every aspect of elections. The college was appreciated by district administration for exemplary discipline and efficiency.
  2. Internal adjustments in teaching schedule were made as per need. New faculty joined in Commerce and Computer Science.
  3. A separate timetable was made for SMART classes. The classes elicited a tremendous response from the students. The college became the first government college in the region to offer ICT based education.
  4. All semester exams as well as the re-appear exams had been conducted smoothly.
  5. Separate building was provided to the IGNOU study centre in the college.
  6. A 50 litre RO water supply plant for the students was ensured through the NGO Virohan.
  7. Placement cell presented a report on students undergoing training and participation in various job fairs.
  8. The Annual Athletic Meet was organized successfully. Sports in charge Sh. Vimal Prakash presented a report on sports achievements of the college.
  9. The 7thpay commission salary calculations were uploaded in time on HRMS. There was noanomaly reported. Dr. Dinesh Joon and the Commerce department were duly appreciated for their excellent work.
  10. Timetable and lesson plans for even semester were prepared and uploaded on the college portal. The same were displayed in front of each department.



Chair: Dr. Preeta Kaushik, Principal

  1. The prospective plan for the new session was discussed and suggestions from the IQAC members were incorporated in the plan.
  2. The members expressed grave concerns about the seriously dilapidated college building, where a whole wing had to be cordoned off because of falling concrete. Thus, the library had to be vacated and the books had to be shifted to gymnasium hall. Staff room had to be vacated as well. But most importantly, lack of infrastructure was a major hindrance to dissemination of quality education. Chemistry and life sciences laboratories did not have water supply. A major part of the administrative block as well as the computer department on the top floor was suffering from seepage. There was already an acute shortage of classrooms and a several departments had to take their classes out in the open. Though the college had the most qualified faculty in the region, shortage of classrooms, smart classrooms, and lack of library and conference facilities were proving to be detrimental to optimum performance of college. This would also reflect in the AQAR and subsequent NAAC activity of the college.
  3. In view of the serious shortage of offices and class rooms, it was decided to renovate the unused building converted from a gas plant. This would help address the lack of office space.
  4. Arrangements for On-line admissions were reviewed and found satisfactory. It was reiterated that admissions would be done strictly on basis of merit.
  5. Departmental, Academic calendar, Activity calendars, Time Table and Lesson Plans were already prepared and the same were to be displayed in front of each department.
  6. A review of last session’s results was carried out. It was observed that the results were showing improvement due to regular classes and mentorship programme.
  7. NSS, Women Cell, NCC, Sports, Youth Red Cross, Cultural Activities and Legal Literacy were discussed in terms of increased focus on awareness and empowering potential.
  8. The college performance in MHRD sponsored SBIS was reviewed. The college had adopted the villages of Tilpat and Chandawli, and the NSS volunteers put in 100 hours of cleanliness work.
  9. The IQAC placed special focus on Digital Literacy and Digital Safety. Workshops were planned on both these concerns.
  10. The Internal financial Audit Report was discussed in the meeting.
  11. Various grievance redressal channels were discussed. These included a student complaint box, dedicated time for interaction with the students, and discussions in mentorship groups.
  12. Staff grievance redressal committee reported that there had been no complaints of sexual harassment, or any other kind of harassment.
  13. Service-related employee issues were discussed and the administration reported that all such matters were either sorted out internally, or if so warranted ,were forwarded to the Head Office.
  14. Scholarship schemes were discussed and a complete report of various scholarship schemes and beneficiaries was tabled in the meeting. 
  15. MIS and HRMS were to be updated as per instructions.
  16. Various funds and grants were discussed and feedback was taken regarding needs and areas of concern where purchases were required. It was decided to purchase a multimedia projector and screen from the women cell grant. It was also decided to appoint a lady peon on D.C. rates for the Girls’ Common Room.


  1. Prospective plan for the session 2018-19 had been duly formulated and uploaded.
  2. Letters and reminders were sent to the Directorate of Higher Education regarding the dilapidated college building. The most urgent problem was that of Chemistry and Life Sciences laboratories which had no water  supply. Chunks of concrete were falling off the roof in library and staff room.
  3. Online admissions were reviewed. The whole process had been carried strictly in accordance with rules and  there had been no RTI regarding admission process. It was found that about 65% admissions had been from  the first two merit lists compared to the last year’s figure of 35%. This would make a substantial difference in student performance.
  4. The session had started with a two-day orientation programme with students and parents. The orientation was an important step to establish a feedback sharing mechanism between students, their parents, and teachers.
  5. Mentorship groups had been duly formed. It was decided to form groups only for entrée- level classes due to space and teacher constraints. 81 groups were formed of 15-20 students each. Younger staff was put on mentorship roster so that they could interact with students regarding current trends in competitions, job scenario, and preparation for interviews.                                  
  6. The college performance in SBIS had been most successful. Dr. Rakesh Pathak, convener SBIS had been appreciated by the Deputy Commissioner Faridabad.
  7. The Girls’ unit of NSS was given special attention and a separate in charge.
  8. The Cyber Security workshop ‘Digital Shakti’ organized by the Women Cell ‘Aarohan’ had been a huge success. Girl students were apprised of various safety measures and protocols while using social media.
  9. All departments had duly displayed their timetable, lesson plans and activity calendar on the departmental notice boards. Attendance registers were being maintained properly.



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